Earlier today, Apple revealed the date for its upcoming major keynote event. The company’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) will begin on June 10, where they are expected to introduce iOS 18, with the release scheduled for the fall.

A recent report from Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, known for his insights into Apple, suggests that iOS 18 will bring the most significant update to the iPhone’s software in history, according to sources involved in the project. These are bold claims, and we will have to wait and see if they hold true.

AI-infused iOS 18 to be ''the most ambitious overhaul'' in history

There are rumors that Apple will focus heavily on AI during WWDC, with insiders suggesting that it will play a central role in iOS 18. Apple’s SVP of Marketing Greg Joswiak even teased the conference, calling it “Absolutely Incredible!”, with a clear emphasis on AI.

Gurman also suggests that Apple’s AI strategy for iOS 18 will include new proactive features to assist users in their daily lives. While Apple won’t be unveiling its own chatbot, they are reportedly in talks with Google and OpenAI to integrate generative AI services.
