Android Police uncovered an intriguing piece of code hinting at a potential new feature for Google Pixel phones called Adaptive Touch Sensitivity. Based on the code, it seems that this feature could allow current and future Pixel phones to adjust the touch sensitivity of the display based on various factors, such as environmental conditions, activity, or the presence of a screen protector.

Google Pixel phones may get adaptive display touch sensitivity

Interestingly, the Pixel 8 series is already capable of detecting the presence of a screen protector, and when one is applied, the system prompts the user to increase touch sensitivity. However, it appears that Google is poised to expand on this feature, as evidenced by its inclusion in the Android 14 QPR3 Beta 1 software.

While the specific functionality of this feature is not entirely clear from the code, it is likely that the phone will be able to detect changes in the environment. For instance, it could potentially increase sensitivity in cold conditions to allow for glove use, or decrease sensitivity on rainy days to prevent accidental touches caused by higher humidity or rain.

The code also references “activity,” although the exact implications of this are currently uncertain.

It remains unknown whether older Pixel models will be compatible with this feature, or if it will be limited to future releases. However, given that the code was discovered on a Pixel 8 phone, and the series already supports automatic screen protector detection, it is likely that the Pixel 8 series will be able to utilize this feature.
