A couple of months ago, OnePlus unveiled the reasonably priced OnePlus Pad Go in India. Shortly after that, Oppo introduced the Pad Air2 in China, which actually had identical hardware under a different name. It has now been rebranded as the Oppo Pad Neo and quietly launched in Malaysia, where it is already available for purchase, and it is also listed on the company’s Taiwanese site.
There are two variants of the Pad Neo – Wi-Fi and LTE. The former comes with a 6/128GB configuration, while the latter comes with an 8/128GB configuration. The price is MYR 1,200 and MYR 1,400, respectively. Interestingly, the OnePlus Pad Go tablet is not available in Malaysia (or Taiwan).
The Oppo Pad Neo features a 10.35″ LCD with a resolution of 2408 x 1720px. It has a 90Hz refresh rate with 180Hz touch sampling and boasts 96% NTSC color space coverage with 10-bit colors. The display also has quad speakers (with Dolby Atmos) and an 8MP front camera and an 8MP rear camera (both capable of 1080p @ 30fps video capture).
The tablet runs on the Helio G99 chipset and an 8,000mAh battery with 33W SuperVOOC charging. It even includes a charger and cable in the box. As an Oppo tablet, it comes with ColorOS 13.2.
The Oppo Malaysia site has a Buy Now button, although it does not seem to work at present. We expect that Oppo will resolve this issue soon. The Taiwanese site does not appear to offer the tablet as of yet. We will inform you if we come across the Pad Neo in other locations.