When Google introduced Gemini, it also unveiled its different tiers, including one called Nano that operates solely on the device itself. Initially, the company planned to restrict Gemini Nano to the Pixel 8 Pro, despite the fact that the standard Pixel 8 has the same chipset.

After facing significant backlash online, Google has had a change of heart. Now, it appears that Gemini Nano will be available for the Pixel 8 as well and will be released as a developer preview with the upcoming Pixel Feature Drop expected in June.

Google mentioned that it has observed a great deal of “enthusiasm” for Gemini Nano from Pixel 8 users – to put it mildly. As always, the company explains that running large language models like this on devices with varying memory capabilities can lead to different user experiences. Therefore, Google has thoroughly tested things on the Pixel 8.

Gemini Nano will power two new features: Summarize in Recorder and Smart Reply in Gboard. These features will be available on both the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, and they will even work offline since they are powered by the on-device Gemini Nano.

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