It has been confirmed by Apple that the iPhone 15 series has made significant improvements in terms of the lifespan of its batteries. Under ideal conditions, all four models of the iPhone 15 series can maintain up to 80% of their original capacity after 1,000 charges, while previous models were rated at 500 charges for the same capacity. Apple has provided these updated battery lifespan metrics on a dedicated iPhone battery support page.
Apple iPhone battery support page
According to 9to5 Mac, Apple used a specific charging test that involved charging and discharging the batteries 1,000 times under specific conditions to simulate real-world use cases.
The improvements in battery lifespan are attributed to “continued updates to battery components and power management systems over the years.” Apple is also investigating older iPhone models to evaluate their battery performance. It’s important to note that battery wear can vary significantly between users due to factors such as regular use and charging patterns.