Apple has introduced new color options for its Silicone MagSafe iPhone cases and Apple Watch bands alongside the launch of the latest M3 MacBook Air laptops. The silicone cases with MagSafe are now available in Soft Mint, Sunshine, Light Blue, and Pink for iPhones in the 15 series. These new options can be purchased directly from Apple.
Apple Silicone case with MagSafe in Soft Mint, Sunshine, Light Blue, and Pink
New color options are also available for Apple Watch bands. Sport Loops now come in Soft Mint and Ocean Blue, while Sport Bands are offered in Soft Mint, Sunshine, and Light Blue. The Braided Solo Loop is now available in Sunshine, Light Blue, and Raspberry colors, and the Solo Loop comes in Pink, Soft Mint, and Ocean Blue. All these bands can be purchased from Apple’s website.
In addition to the above, Apple has introduced new Hermès bands, including the Toile H Single Tour, Twill Jump Single Tour, and Kilim Single Tour in various color combinations. These luxury Watch bands will be available for purchase next month.