As per a recent supply chain rumor, Apple is preparing to make several significant upgrades to its iPhone 16 Pro series. Both 16 Pro models are expected to come with larger displays – measuring 6.3 inches on the 16 Pro and 6.9 inches on the 16 Pro Max. Furthermore, both phones will feature Micro Lens Array (MLA) OLED panels, which promises better brightness output and improved viewing angles compared to traditional OLED panels.
The iPhone 16 Pro generation is expected to debut with Apple’s A18 Pro chip, paired with 8GB of RAM. Additionally, there will be an option to expand the storage up to 2TB, compared to the previous generation’s 1TB limit.
The latest leak supports previous rumors about exclusive AI features on the 16 Pro models, hinting at potential integration with Apple’s MGIE AI model. Both phones are expected to receive a new 48MP ultrawide lens, with the smaller Pro finally getting the 5x tetraprism lens.
The upcoming iPhone 16 Pro Max could potentially offer the longest battery life across the Pro model range, featuring a 4,676 mAh battery cell, compared to the 4,441mAh cell on the 15 Pro Max. As for the smaller 16 Pro, it is rumored to carry a larger battery than its predecessor, promising improved battery life.
Both new phones will also gain the Capture button and Apple has also allegedly improved its yield on titanium processing while reducing costs per casing.