Arun Ghosh a 38 years old man from Niagara Falls, Ontario, in Canada, successfully drove one million kilometres on his favourite Honda Accord 2014. The news revealed that he was a nurse in India and moved to Canada to pursue studies at Niagara College in Canada in 2017. Arun gave himself the title of “a person who is madly passionate about driving cars.”
He said that “all my passion is only in one thing,” and that is driving. He is a father of a toddler and is currently a delivery and rideshare operator. Moreover, he hopes to join the automobile industry in the future. Ghosh has also become popular among his fellow international community students as he provides them with lifts at the cost of gas. His car consumes more fuel because of its V6 engine.
When asked to switch his current vehicle, he says, “It’s not something he has thought of.” This shows his passionate love of driving his 2014 Honda Accord. He says, “It’s like I’m hovering on the road.”
Journey To One Million
Arun Ghost went on July 30 with friends to achieve his goal of driving 1 million kilometres. Canadian media reported that it took him years to complete this achievement of covering the distance of 1,000,000 kilometres on his odometer in a Honda Accord. He started the journey near the “Peace Bridge.” For him, it was the symbol of opportunity that he had seen in Canada for achieving his mission.
Moreover, his friends motivated him to “go for one million” after his car covered 500,000 kilometres. Ghosh was expecting to see “ one, triple zero, triple zero” on the odometer.
However, the odometer was frozen at 999,999 kilometres. This passionate car lover is now requesting Honda to offer him a seven-digit odometer for completing his goal and the next million kilometres.
Carfax Canada reports about vehicle history, and they said that an average Canadian individual covers 20,000 kilometres per year. Arun Ghosh crosses this distance and covers 130,000 kilometres annually on his Honda Accord.
Ghosh says that he uses all the original Honda parts and special brands of engine oil, gasoline, and air filters. He reported that his car had the original transmission with a newly equipped engine.
Mayor Jim Diodati recently sat in Ghosh’s car and said, “Its engine rev is impressive.” It doesn’t sound like it covered one million kilometres.
Honda’s Statement
Honda’s dealership director, Shamil Becharbhai, told the media that they could not believe the car had covered a million kilometres. Additionally, he said that the second-highest mileage recorded on the car after it was 550,000 kilometres. He analysed the Ghosh’s odometer to upgrade it.
Kin Chiu, Honda Canada spokesperson, said that this case is rare. It happens not every month or every year, but it does occur. In short, Arun Ghosh’s impressive accomplishment is commendable.