Yesterday, Samsung unveiled the AI-focused Galaxy S24 series, with a significant focus on camera features. One notable enhancement enables users to directly access these features through popular social media applications. Now, snapping a photo with the Samsung camera app is not necessary for sharing on Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok, or Snapchat, as the advanced imaging processing of the S24 series can be accessed within these apps.
This achievement continues the initiative that began with the S22 series, where computational photography was introduced within social networking apps.
The new Super HDR feature provides additional details in the highlights and shadows and also offers an accurate preview before capturing the photo, thanks to the fast new chipsets.
The Galaxy S24 phones can shoot HDR photos for Instagram
The Galaxy S24 series is the first to offer HDR-enabled photos on Instagram, and it also introduces Nightography and improved Electronic Image Stabilization to third-party apps.
For Instagram, users can now create Stories from their motion photos, but some specific AI-powered tools will remain exclusive to the native camera app, including Generative Edit, Instant Slow-mo, and Edit Suggestion.
To learn more about the Galaxy S24 Ultra, you can see some early camera samples and read our hands-on review of the new flagship trio. Additionally, if you are interested in the camera specifications, we have a detailed table available.