Changan Pakistan has unveiled its new year promotion for the Oshan X7 crossover SUV after a brief wait. According to a social media post by the company, there is a price reduction of Rs. 300,000 on the vehicle. “The wait is over! Reserve your Oshan X7 now for Rs. 7,999,000 and save Rs. 300,000,” the post stated.
However, this new year offer is only valid until January 31.
This offer pertains to the Comfort variant of the Oshan X7, currently priced at PKR 8,299,000 and seating 7 people. If you are a fan of the X7 and were considering purchasing one, this is an excellent opportunity for you. This confirms our earlier report that this offer concerns the car’s price.
“ON” to Off
Changan is not the only company offering such discounts. In the past year, several companies have provided various discounts on their vehicles, including free registration, price lock, and free insurance. The Pakistani car market has shifted from an “ON” situation, where extra fees were required for purchasing a car, to an “Off” one, due to the unstable economic conditions and low sales.
Unfortunately, the industry’s situation appears to remain the same for the foreseeable future, and it may take a substantial period of stability in the country for things to improve. The recent price increases have made cars unaffordable for the average person, contributing to the drop of over 60% in car sales in 2023, according to PAMA numbers. Despite this, we remain hopeful for a better year for the car industry and market in 2024.
What are your thoughts on Changan’s offer for the Oshan X7? Are you considering purchasing one? Let us know in the comments section.