This year, OnePlus made a change by releasing not only the flagship 12 globally, but also the 12R alongside it. The R series was previously limited to India, so this is a significant development. OnePlus is billing this as the return of the flagship killer, a term it coined ten years ago with the OnePlus One.

Given this, the 12R appears to be an important phone for OnePlus, possibly outselling the 12 due to the price difference. Our video review of the 12R is now available, and we’re excited to share our thoughts. Take a look.

As always in our video reviews, Will covers various aspects of the phone in just a few minutes, including its design, build quality, screen specifications and features, speakers, under-display fingerprint sensor, storage options, software, performance, battery life and charging, as well as camera performance.

If you want a more detailed look at the OnePlus 12R, be sure to check out our comprehensive written review. And if you’re interested in purchasing one after watching and reading our reviews, you can do so directly from the links below.