Currently, the Apple Vision Pro is only available in the US, but it is expected to launch in other countries, including China. According to a new report from local media, the headset is expected to be available in China as early as April or as late as May. This information comes from unnamed “supply chain sources”, so it should be taken with caution. However, Apple CEO Tim Cook previously mentioned at the release of the headset in New York that the Vision Pro is coming to China “soon.”
Interestingly, the headset may not be called Vision Pro in China due to a trademark dispute with Huawei. It is possible that Apple will use the Reality brand instead. Huawei holds the exclusive use of the Vision Pro trademark in China until 2031, which has caused this brand name conflict.
The report also states that the official certification for the sale of the headset in China is nearing completion. The bill of materials for the Vision Pro is estimated to be about $1,700, roughly half of its retail price.
On the downside, availability is expected to be limited, especially for the initial batch of units. It is hoped that subsequent batches will have more units available, but only time will tell.
Source (in Chinese)