The Lava Blaze Curve 5G is set to debut in India on March 5, with a 64MP primary camera and color options in green and black confirmed. The device will feature a curved 6.67″ AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate, as announced by Lava.
Blaze Curve: It’s time to stand out with the most Curve-O-lutionary launch of the year featuring its 120Hz Curved AMOLED Display.
Launching on March 5th at 12 PM | Amazon Specials #BlazeCurve #LavaBlazeCurve #CurveOlution #LavaMobiles #ProudlyIndian
— Lava Mobiles (@LavaMobile) February 28, 2024
Lava has also revealed that the Blaze Curve 5G will be powered by the Dimensity 7050 SoC and come with 8GB of LPDDR5 RAM. The smartphone will offer UFS 3.1 storage, but the exact storage capacity is yet to be disclosed.
Blaze Curve: Segment First LPDDR5 8GB RAM to give you Curve-O-lutionary powers.
Launching on March 5th at 12 PM | Amazon Specials#BlazeCurve #LavaBlazeCurve #CurveOlution #AmazonSpecials #LavaMobiles
— Lava Mobiles (@LavaMobile) February 29, 2024
Sunil Raina, President and Business Head at Lava, has shared some photos taken with the Blaze Curve 5G to generate excitement around the device. Check them out below.
Shot on #BlazeCurve5G
— Sunil Raina (@reachraina) March 1, 2024
With the launch just around the corner on March 5th, we’re eagerly awaiting details on the Lava Blaze Curve 5G’s specifications, pricing, and availability.