The Punjab interim Chief Minister Mohsin Naqi declared today that the provincial government will provide 10,000 electric bikes to university students, in collaboration with the Bank of Punjab (BOP). The announcement was made at an event organized by the Punjab Transport Department in Lahore. The department stated that the bikes will be given to students to promote eco-friendly transportation in the province.

Free of Interest E-Bikes

At the same event, the government also made other important announcements regarding the provision of e-bikes in installments, but without any interest:

  • 2,000 bikes for women
  • 2,000 3-wheeler bikes for disabled

Additionally, the government will provide 2,000 interest-free e-rickshaws to those in need. The chief minister also disclosed that from now on, every department in Punjab will purchase electric bikes for its employees instead of petrol ones. “We will establish charging stations at government-operated parking facilities in different locations,” stated Naqvi. Steps are being taken to address the issue of pollution, particularly in Lahore. During the same event, the government granted the first-ever license for electric rickshaw manufacturing/assembling to Sazgar Engineering.

To ensure the success of this entire initiative in the long run, the government needs to work hard, as it requires a consistent policy, solid infrastructure, and uninterrupted supply of electricity. The country already has a sound EV policy; however, the challenge lies in implementation, and unstable economic and political conditions are the biggest obstacles.

The intentions are good, but action is crucial, and time will determine the success of this initiative. Providing e-bikes to students is a positive step, as these bikes are low maintenance and easy to use for daily commutes. Consequently, let’s hope that the government fulfills its promises this time and initiates a new era of e-bikes in the province.

What are your thoughts on the government’s decision to provide e-bikes to students in Punjab? Please share your opinions in the comments section.