The Punjab Excise, Taxation and Narcotics Department has introduced a virtual registration card for vehicles, marking a significant step towards digitalization in the province. This move addresses the longstanding issue of non-issuance of registration cards to new vehicle owners, who were being fined by traffic police for not having them. The digital card can now be obtained on the department’s website by entering the vehicle’s registration and chassis numbers.

Once obtained, vehicle owners can download and save the virtual card on their mobile devices. Additionally, the department has also launched Punjab’s first e-title document, E-Registration Card, as announced on Twitter.

This initiative by the Excise department is commendable as it will help vehicle owners avoid traffic fines and legal inconveniences. This is not the first digitalization effort by the Punjab government for vehicle owners, as they have previously introduced online applications for new learner permits and digital renewal of driving licenses. The convenience of obtaining these important documents from home should be expanded with more such initiatives and policies to benefit citizens.

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