The OnePlus Open was launched with Android 13 last year and recently received the Android 14 update in January, initially only in India. However, the good news is that the Android 14 rollout has now extended to the US, so if you reside in the United States, you can expect to receive an update notification for your foldable soon.
The Android 14 update for the OnePlus Open in the US comes with firmware version CPH2551_14.0.0.501(EX01) and includes the February 2024 Android security patch. The update requires a download size of 2.54GB. For more details on the update, refer to the screenshots provided below.
Changelog for OnePlus Open’s Android 14 update
The OnePlus Open is the first foldable smartphone from OnePlus, featuring two displays: a 7.82″ AMOLED folding display with a resolution of 2,440×2,268 pixels and a 6.31″ cover screen with a resolution of 2,484×1,116 pixels, both being LTPO3 types with a 120Hz refresh rate.
You can read our review of the OnePlus Open to delve deeper into its features. Additionally, a video review is included below for those preferring visual content over text.