Despite the Exynos 2400 lagging behind the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 in synthetic benchmark tests, the two chips appear to be evenly matched in real-world gaming scenarios. NL Tech conducted tests on the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3-powered Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra and the Exynos 2400-powered Galaxy S24+ using popular Android games to compare their performance.

Exynos 2400 can keep up with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 in real games

The results were surprising, with both handsets performing similarly in games like Genshin Impact, PUBG Mobile, Mobile Legends, and Fortnite. Both chips maintained about 60fps in Genshin Impact, 90fps in PUBG Mobile at Smooth graphics settings, and around 90fps in Fortnite, with occasional drops to 70fps during combat.

NL Tech noted a significant difference in only two games – Call of Duty: Mobile and War Thunder. In Call of Duty: Mobile, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 consistently maintained 120fps, while the Exynos 2400 was limited to 60fps. Conversely, in War Thunder, the Exynos 2400 outperformed the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, maintaining around 100fps while the Snapdragon dipped to 40fps. These results suggest that the Exynos’ Xclipse 940 GPU may be better at handling ray tracing graphics in War Thunder.

It’s important to consider that these tests were conducted on pre-production units and that the two phones are different models. However, the Galaxy S24 Ultra is said to have a superior cooling solution with a larger heat sink. Other factors may also be at play, and it would be interesting to see how the Exynos-powered Galaxy S24+ compares to its Snapdragon-powered counterpart.