Meta has announced a slew of new features for Facebook Messenger. One of the highlights is the ability to send “HD photos” in Messenger. To do this, simply choose an image to send, turn on the HD toggle that now appears, and then hit Send.

Facebook Messenger gets HD photos, shared albums, support for larger files

HD photos have recently been introduced in WhatsApp as well, so it’s great to see Facebook Messenger catching up. HD photos that you receive will be labeled “HD” in the top right corner to ensure you see the high-quality image.

Another new feature is the ability to create shared albums with friends and family. In group chats, you can select multiple photos to create an album or add photos and videos to an existing one.

Facebook Messenger gets HD photos, shared albums, support for larger files

Everyone in the group chat can view, add, delete, and download pictures and videos in the shared album. Accessing shared albums is easy – just tap on the group chat name, then tap Media to see all the shared albums. This feature will be rolled out in the coming weeks.

Facebook Messenger gets HD photos, shared albums, support for larger files

Furthermore, adding people to Messenger is now simplified with QR codes. Each user gets their own QR code that can be scanned to add someone or shared via a link.

Facebook Messenger gets HD photos, shared albums, support for larger files

Lastly, Messenger has increased its file size limit to 100MB. This update allows users to send files in major formats like Word, PDF, Excel, and zip – a feature that was missing for a long time.
