Srinagar, the charming capital of Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK), witnessed a groundbreaking event on Sunday by hosting its first-ever Formula 4 car racing demonstration. Against the stunning backdrop of Dal Lake, the event brought together locals and motorsport enthusiasts for a day filled with action and thrill.

Event Highlights

Professional Formula 4 drivers took the spotlight, showcasing their skills and expertise with exhilarating stunts that amazed the audience. The sleek racing cars raced along a 1.7 km track from Lalit Ghat to Nehru Park, providing a thrilling spectacle for all spectators.

Hundreds of energetic young people gathered along the picturesque Boulevard Road at the foothills of the Zabarwan mountain range to witness this historic event.

Organized by the Federation of Motorsports Clubs of India in collaboration with the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), the event aimed to boost tourism in the area and encourage local youth to consider motorsports as a potential career. This marked a significant milestone for Srinagar, showcasing its emergence as a motorsports hub in the region.

The event was meticulously planned to ensure success and safety, starting at 10 AM and concluding at 2 PM. From surface preparation to barricade installation and medical and security team deployment, every detail was carefully managed. Drone surveillance enhanced security measures, allowing for efficient event management and ensuring the safety of attendees and participants throughout the Formula 4 race.

The collaboration between Formula 4 and the Indian Racing League, supported by the Tourism Department, highlighted Kashmir’s growing presence in the motorsports scene. Beyond the excitement of speed and competition, the event conveyed a message of resilience and adventure to all those present, emphasizing determination and exploration.