Fossil introduced its Gen 6 smartwatch lineup, running Wear OS, in August 2021. Later, the company unveiled some Wellness Edition watches, but the release of Gen 7 was kept on hold. Now, Fossil has confirmed that Gen 7 will not be coming as the company is leaving the smartwatch business.

With the significant evolution of the smartwatch landscape in recent years, we have chosen to strategically exit the smartwatch business. Fossil Group is reallocating resources to focus on our core strengths and segments of our business that continue to offer strong growth opportunities, such as designing and distributing traditional watches, jewelry, and leather goods under our own brand names as well as licensed brands,” stated Amanda Castelli, a spokesperson for Fossil Group, in an interview with The Verge.

Fossil Gen 6
Fossil Gen 6

In recent reports, it was suggested that Fossil would stop releasing Wear OS smartwatches, and the company was also offering significant discounts on some of its smartwatches, indicating that this news shouldn’t come as a surprise.

Fossil Gen 6 Wellness Edition
Fossil Gen 6 Wellness Edition

Despite exiting the smartwatch business, Fossil has confirmed that it will continue to provide updates for its existing Wear OS-powered smartwatches “for the next few years”. It is hoped that these updates will be free from bugs and will provide a smooth experience for users.
