The upcoming launch of the Realme GT Neo6 SE has been confirmed for next week and it has now been listed on Geekbench. The device, identified by the model number RMX3850, is powered by the newly introduced Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3 chipset and boasts 16GB of RAM. In the benchmark test, the GT Neo6 SE achieved impressive scores of 1,902 for single-core performance and 5,317 for multi-core performance.

Realme GT Neo6 SE on Geekbench

Realme GT Neo6 SE on Geekbench

The Realme GT Neo6 SE is expected to feature a 6.7-inch BOE-made 8T LTPO OLED display with a resolution of 1220p and a 120Hz refresh rate. It will also come equipped with a 50MP main camera and a 5,500 mAh battery with 100W fast charging support.
