According to reports from GSM Arena, vivo will officially launch the T3x in the Indian market on April 17 at 12 PM local time. The smartphone is expected to be priced below INR 15,000 as indicated by a microsite on Flipkart. It has been revealed that the T3x will be powered by the Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 SoC, with a prototype already completing a benchmark test on Geekbench 6.
The Geekbench listing confirms that the T3x achieved a single-core score of 946 and a multi-core score of 2,839. The prototype featured 8GB of RAM, but there may be different variants available at launch. The smartphone will run on Android 14 with vivo’s Funtouch OS 14.
Additionally, vivo has hinted at the T3x achieving an AnTuTu v10 score of 560,000, surpassing other smartphones with Dimensity 6080 and Dimensity 6100+ processors. The tested T3x model on AnTuTu also featured 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage.
The T3x will be available in Celestial Green and Crimson Bliss colors, and it is said to come with a “turbo battery” with an expected capacity of 6,000 mAh. Official confirmation on the battery’s capacity will be provided on Monday, April 15.