Google’s online store is hinting at an upcoming release. It’s not a new device, but rather a new color for the Pixel 8 Pro. The new color, Minty Fresh, will be available starting January 25 at midnight PT.

It’s unclear whether this new color is exclusive to the Pixel 8 Pro shown in the teaser, or if it will also be available for the Pixel 8. Fortunately, we won’t have to wait too long to find out.

The color is a teal/mint shade, some might even describe it as green – or at least greenish.

If you’re curious about the meaning of the paint, it is “itsaliving,” a tie-in with an artist Google has collaborated with for creating a mural in downtown NYC on January 25. Perhaps the new color is in honor of that event?

Despite the new color, the new Pixel 8 Pro is expected to be identical to the already released model. We’ll have to wait and see if the new colorway will have any limitations – such as limited availability or being exclusive to the official Google store. More information will be shared as we learn more.