The upcoming Galaxy A35 from Samsung has been making frequent appearances in leaks recently. Today, it has been listed in the Google Play Console, providing an image of the phone’s front with a symmetrical bezel arrangement around the screen, a centered hole-punch for the selfie camera, and the recognizable Samsung design on the back with the three individual camera circles.

Samsung Galaxy A35 found in the Google Play Console

According to the Google Play Console listing, the Galaxy A35 5G will feature Samsung’s own Exynos 1380 SoC and 8GB of RAM. It will run Android 14 from day one, with One UI 6 on top, and have a display resolution of 1080×2340.

Previous to this listing, the A35 5G has received pre-launch certifications and has recently been benchmarked on Geekbench, indicating that its launch could be imminent.
