The scenic hills of Murree are set to undergo a significant transformation as the Punjab government moves forward with an ambitious plan, Pindi-Murree Glass Train Project, to establish a glass train service linking Rawalpindi to Bhurban, Murree. Known as the Murree Rail Link, this project is a key part of the larger Murree Development Plan.
The Details
Eighteen different departments are collaborating to develop the Project Concept One (PC-1) for this innovative endeavor. This working group, led by the Punjab Transport Minister, includes prominent officials such as the commissioner of Rawalpindi, the deputy commissioners of Rawalpindi and Murree, and other relevant department heads.
The proposed 65-kilometer rail track will pass through the stunning landscapes of the Margalla Hills and Barakahu, providing passengers with breathtaking views of the area’s natural beauty. The National Engineering and Scientific Commission (NESCOM) has been tasked with conducting a feasibility study for this project.
According to a senior official, Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz gave her formal approval for the Murree Rail Link in a meeting held in June 2024. Following this endorsement, the Punjab Government’s Transport Department was assigned to prepare the feasibility study and estimate the project costs.
The glass train service from Rawalpindi to Murree Bhurban is expected to significantly boost tourism in the region. Covering a distance of 65 kilometers, the train will travel from Rawalpindi Railway Station to Murree Bhurban. Once the feasibility report is completed, the project’s cost and timeline for completion will be determined.
Drone footage of the proposed route has already been collected to assist in planning. While the train will pass through areas like Margalla and Barakahu, the final decision on additional stations along the route will depend on the findings of the PC-1.
The working group will submit a detailed report outlining the overall project cost to ensure it is executed efficiently and within budget.
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