Yesterday, we shared the news of the virtual launch of the all-new Honda CG125 2025 model as Atlas Honda’s top officials, in the presence of its dealers, held a live transmission on its Facebook page. Although we shared the photos of the new bike with you, unfortunately, they were not clear. However, there is no need to worry as we now have access to clear and exclusive images of the bike provided by SubhanAllah Corporation, a bike dealer in Lahore.

Honda CG125 2025 Photos

Here, give a detailed look to the new model of Honda CG125:

In these pictures, you can clearly see the new bike sticker, which is the only major upgrade in the 2025 model. According to the company, the yellow represents happiness, while the race track shows the bike’s power. The company also upgraded the bike’s slogan, which is “The Sound of Power,” representing the popular silence of the Honda CG125.

The company did not mention any other major changes or upgrades in the new Honda CG125 2025 model, meaning the power, comfort, and ride experience will remain the same. In addition to red, the bike will also come in black, along with the Self Start and Gold models. The latter was introduced last year, but as per the bike company, it was a huge success. Hence, this is being continued as a regular model and will also be available in red.

A few days back, Atlas Honda introduced the new Honda CD70 2025 model in the local market. Just like CG125, it also came with a new sticker without any major change in specs and features. The decades-long tradition of introducing a new sticker and calling it a new model continued this year, too, and this will continue for the foreseeable future.

Do you like the look of the new Honda CG125 model? Share your thoughts about the bike in the comments section.