The Galaxy S24 series from Samsung has been unveiled, marking a major announcement for the year. In an effort to dominate the market and compete with Apple’s iPhone 15 series, Samsung announced and will ship the series earlier than its predecessors. The Galaxy S24 Plus stands out with a 1440p display and LTPO panel, along with a larger battery and 12GB of RAM. On the other hand, the vanilla S24 may struggle to attract buyers with minimal upgrades. The Ultra model features a titanium alloy frame and improved display. Additionally, the S24 Ultra transitions from a 10x optical zoom to a 5x telephoto camera, providing a more conventional, practical option. The devices are being advertised as the “smartest AI phones ever” by Samsung, but further testing is needed to confirm this claim. The Exynos 2400 offers a nearly identical CPU design as the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 and is built on a similar 4nm process, offering potential advantages in performance and battery efficiency.