The launch date for the iQOO Z9 in India is set for March 12, as confirmed by the brand. It will come equipped with the Dimensity 7200 SoC and a 50MP Sony IMX882 camera with OIS, as announced earlier. While initial rumors suggested a 6,000 mAh battery, iQOO has clarified that the Z9 will actually feature a 5,000 mAh battery.
Furthermore, iQOO revealed that the iQOO Z9 will come with a 120Hz “Ultra-Bright” AMOLED display boasting a peak brightness of 1,800 nits and a 300Hz touch sampling rate.
In terms of connectivity and audio, the iQOO Z9 will feature a USB-C port and dual stereo speakers, but will not include a 3.5mm headphone jack. The device will have a slim profile of 7.83mm and will be available in Graphene Blue and Brushed Green color options.
Before the official launch on March 12, it is possible that iQOO will unveil more features of the Z9.