vivo has revealed that the V30 and V30 Pro will be launching in India on March 7 at noon local time, following last week’s teaser. The V30 Pro will be available in Andaman Blue, Peacock Green, and Classic Black colors, but color options for the V30 in India are yet to be confirmed.

vivo V30 and V30 Pro's India launch date announced

The V30 Pro will come equipped with a 120Hz curved AMOLED display, a 5,000 mAh battery, and four 50MP cameras – primary, ultrawide, telephoto, and selfie. It will also feature ZEISS tuning and portrait filters typically found on vivo’s higher-end V-series phones.

For those interested in the V30, it is not a new device so its features are already known. More information about the vivo V30 can be found in our initial impressions article.