The long-awaited Apple Vision Pro headset is now on the market after the conclusion of its pre-order campaign. It is offered in three different storage options – 256GB, 512GB, and 1TB. The starting price is $3,499, with the 512GB and 1TB models selling for $3,699 and $3,899, respectively. Keep in mind that this does not include the optical inserts for those who require prescription glasses, but we’ll get to that later.

Apple Vision Pro pre-orders are now open

Buying the Vision Pro headset is not just a simple “click and buy” process. It is an entire experience. The first step involves using your iPhone to measure your head. By utilizing the Face ID ToF scanner on your phone, you will be prompted to rotate the phone around your head in order to take accurate measurements and determine the size of the Light Seal and headbands. This is vital for ensuring a comfortable and secure fit while wearing the headset.

Apple Vision Pro pre-orders are now open

The next step is to decide whether you require glasses for reading or prescription glasses during the day. Zeiss provides the optical inserts in two variations – for readers and prescription lenses. The readers’ version costs an additional $99 on top of the standard price, while the prescription set will cost you an extra $149.

Apple has stated that there are already over 600 apps available for the Vision Pro, including Arcade games. Third-party games that support VR headsets will also be playable, as long as they can run on a Mac using the Virtual Display feature.
