Samsung India has announced that the Galaxy F15 5G smartphone is set to launch on March 4th. The device will boast a 6,000 mAh battery and will be equipped with a Dimensity 6100+ chipset, as previously suggested by leaked teasers.
The upcoming smartphone already has a landing page on Flipkart, with pricing details ranging between INR10,000 and INR15,000 ($120-$180) as indicated by the fine print.
Samsung has guaranteed that the Galaxy F15 5G will be the only device in its price range to feature a Super AMOLED panel, 4 generations of Android updates, and 5 years of security updates.
Reaffirming its design is the fact that the images illustrate the phone retaining its “signature Galaxy design,” which includes a three droplet-style cameras on the back with a single LED flash – without any camera bumps, islands, or extravagant features.
With its design, chipset, and front panel being similar to the Galaxy A15, the Galaxy F15 shares many similarities with its sister phone. If Samsung chooses to keep the same camera setup, we can expect a 50 MP main camera alongside a 5 MP ultra-wide and a 2 MP camera for portrait shots.