There has been much talk about Apple’s upcoming Watch Ultra with microLED display, but with each new report, the outlook seems to be getting bleaker. According to a recent analysis from The Elec, it is unlikely that Apple’s high-end smartwatch with microLED technology will be available before 2027.

Apple Watch Ultra with microLED display likely to arrive in 2027

Supply chain analysts are of the opinion that Apple will struggle to procure a sufficient number of microLED displays at a reasonable price before then. Reportedly, the current Watch Ultra’s display costs Apple $40 to produce, while the microLED screens are expected to cost around $150.

This presents a significant financial challenge for Apple, particularly if the company intends to market the watch at a premium price point with a healthy profit margin, as is its usual practice.

According to this report, the anticipated launch date for the Apple Watch Ultra with microLED is 2027 or later. It will take time for manufacturers to refine production and reduce costs to a level that is acceptable to Apple.

Source (in Korean)