As of today, WhatsApp has introduced new options for formatting text to enhance your chatting experience. Previously, users could only apply bold, italic, strikethrough, and monospace formatting.

Now, with the latest update, Android, iOS, Web, and Mac users have access to bulleted lists, numbered lists, block quotes, and inline code formatting. These features were previously being tested and are now available for all users.

WhatsApp gets new text formatting options

The image above provides a clear breakdown of the new options and how to use them. They are simple to activate and use when needed.

To create a bulleted list, simply add a “-” followed by a space before your text, and repeat for each new item. Similarly, for a numbered list, start with the number followed by a period and a space, such as “1. ” and “2. ” and so on.

For block quotes, start with the “>” symbol followed by a space, and the text following it will be formatted as a block quote. Lastly, to include inline code, enclose the text with “`” – for example: `here’s an example`.
