The OnePlus 12 has been released in India. This smartphone combines the powerful Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset with Hasselblad-tuned cameras, including a 50MP main (1/1.43″, OIS), 64MP 3x periscope, and 48MP ultra-wide. The 6.82″ display is an LTPO panel with QHD+ resolution, 120Hz refresh rate, and 10-bit colors. The 5,400mAh battery supports 100W wired and 50W wireless charging.
The OnePlus 12R will be available for sale on Tuesday. This model features a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 and a 1,264 x 2,780px display with a 10-bit 120Hz LTPO panel. The camera includes a 50MP main (1/1.56″, OIS) and 8MP ultra-wide, with no telephoto lens. The 5,500mAh battery provides 100W wired-only charging.
Realme 12 Pro and 12 Pro+ are two new arrivals focused on cameras. The Pro+ is cheaper than the 12R and boasts a 64MP 3x periscope, 50MP main (1/1.56″, OIS), and 8MP ultra-wide. The 6.7″ display offers FHD+ resolution and does not have an LTPO panel, but it does feature 10-bit colors. It is powered by the Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 and a 5,000mAh battery with 67W wired-only charging.
The Realme 12 Pro is a more affordable option and features a Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 and a 32MP 2x tele camera. It has the same display and battery specifications as the Pro+.
The price of the Samsung Galaxy S23 FE has dropped, starting at ₹49,000 for the 8/128GB model in India. This phone is powered by the Exynos 2200 and features a 50MP main, 8MP 3x tele, and 12MP ultra-wide cameras, as well as a 4,500mAh battery with 25W wired and 15W wireless charging. It will receive 4 OS updates and 5 years of security patches, and is supported by DeX.
The Samsung Galaxy Watch4 Classic is a slightly older model but still available at a reasonable price of around ₹10,000. It includes a rotating bezel, ECG, and a blood-pressure monitor.
The Lava Agni 2 is a new 5G phone with 8GB of RAM and 256GB of storage. It features a 6.78″ 120Hz display, a 50MP main camera (1/1.55″, OIS), and an 8MP ultra-wide camera. The battery has a capacity of 4,700mAh and supports 66W fast charging.
The Lava Storm is another affordable 5G model, powered by the Dimensity 6080. It has a 6.78″ FHD+ 120Hz display, a 50MP main camera (with a smaller sensor and no OIS), an 8MP ultra-wide camera, and a 5,000mAh battery with 33W charging.
Finally, the Lava Yuva 3 is an entry-level 4G phone with a Unisoc T606 chipset running full Android 13. It features a 6.5″ 90Hz IPS LCD with HD+ resolution, a 13MP camera, and a 5,000mAh battery with 18W charging and a USB-C port.
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