Today, the Realme 12 was officially launched in India with the Dimensity 6100+ SoC leading the way and a starting price of INR 16,999. Shortly after, Himanshu Tandon, the head of Poco India, criticized the Realme 12 for using the same chipset at that price point, pointing out that Poco offers the Dimensity 6100+ in the M6, which is priced below INR 10,000.

Tandon suggested that everyone should hold out for the Poco X6 Neo, as hinted in the embedded tweet below. The Poco X6 Neo was leaked earlier in the week and is rumored to be officially introduced next week.

The Realme 12 seems to resemble the Redmi Note 13R Pro, both featuring a 108 MP main camera but with the Realme 12 using the Dimensity 6080 SoC instead. This offers slightly faster CPU cores but not much else in terms of performance improvements.

Reportedly, the Poco X6 Neo will have a starting price below INR 16,000 – possibly at 15,999. Is the hype justified for just a INR 1,000 price drop and a slight increase in CPU speed? Hopefully, there are more surprises in store, but it seems unlikely.

Additionally, the X6 Neo is expected to feature a 6.67-inch 1080×2400 120 Hz OLED display with 1,000-nit peak brightness, a 2 MP depth sensor, a 16 MP front camera, a side-mounted fingerprint sensor integrated into the power button, and a 5,000 mAh battery with 33W wired charging support.