As predicted in the recent speculation, the launch of the OnePlus Watch 2 is confirmed for February 26. Early bird reservations are now open for OnePlus’ upcoming flagship smartwatch. In the US, potential buyers can secure an early bird coupon by pledging $0.99 (non-refundable) and will receive a $50 discount coupon once the watch launches. Additionally, OnePlus is offering a trade-in program in the US that provides a $50 discount on the Watch 2 when any watch is traded in, regardless of its condition.
In Europe, buyers can register with their OnePlus account to receive a €30/£30 discount on the Watch 2, as well as a free pair of OnePlus Buds 3 with their purchase. The early bird offer is also available in India, with an INR 1,000 discount on the watch and a free pair of Bullets Wireless Z2 ANC earphones.
The OnePlus Watch 2 will be available in Radiant Steel and Black Steel colors. Both models will feature stainless steel casings with silicone watch straps and a sapphire crystal display. The Watch 2 is rumored to feature a 1.43-inch AMOLED display and Qualcomm’s Snapdragon W5 Gen 1 chipset, running on Google Wear OS 4.