Recently, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 SoC emerged with an impressive AnTuTu score of over 3 million. It is expected to be officially announced in September or October of this year. Prior to that, Qualcomm may introduce a new Snapdragon 8 Gen series SoC, potentially labeled as SM8635.
According to reliable tipster Digital Chat Station, the SM8635 is built on TSMC’s 4nm node and features a single Cortex-X4 core clocked at 2.9GHz, along with the powerful Adreno 735 GPU for handling graphic-intensive tasks. DCS also stated that the SM8635 has an approximate AnTuTu score of 1.7 million.
The official marketing name and release date of the SM8635 are still unknown, but it is expected to fit in between the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 and Gen 3. It could potentially be named the Snapdragon 8s Gen 2 or Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 Lite.
Roland Quandt has suggested that another Qualcomm chip, identified as SM7675, is identical to the SM8635, indicating it may belong to the Snapdragon 7 Gen series SoC. More details are needed to clarify the positioning of these two chips.