Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz announced in a social media post that the provincial government has started using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to counter traffic violations. In the post, the chief minister wrote: “Punjab government has now started issuing AI-based e-challans. This is a step towards technologically advanced Punjab and using technology to improve and enhance governance.”
It is pertinent to mention that the government announced using AI to curb traffic violations, making roads safer for motorists.
Under this AI-based detection process, the following violations will be traced:
- Violation of traffic signals
- Triple Riding
- Driving on the wrong side of the road
- Tinted/Covered glass
- Violation of line/lane/zebra crossing etc.
- Plying a motor vehicle where prohibited
- One wheeling
- Emitting excessive smoke
- Riding a motorcycle without a helmet
- Non-fasting of seatbelt
- Violation of parking rules
- Exceeding the prescribed speed limit
- Carrying passengers exceeding permissible limit
- Overloading goods vehicles
- Driving at night without proper headlights
- Obstructing traffic
- Use of mobile phone while driving
- Driving an unregistered motor vehicle
- Driving in violation of the age limit (underage or juvenile driver)
The media reports said that Lahore Traffic Police have formed special teams to apprehend defaulter vehicles as part of the ongoing crackdown in the city.
CTO’s Statement
According to Chief Traffic Officer (CTO) Amara Athar, the cameras are also being used to monitor traffic wardens, ensuring discipline and safe travel with the help of modern technology. “For the first time in South Asia, an AI system is being used to issue e-challans for a comprehensive list of 19 traffic violations,” the CTO stated. In an effort to digitalize the traffic and challan system, the Punjab government has introduced multiple projects, including e-challans and e-vehicle registrations. These systems were announced to facilitate the vehicle owners and citizens so that they don’t have to hold physical licenses with them all the time or have to visit the specific police centers to pay the challans.
What is your take on the Punjab government’s initiative to start using AI for issuing e-challans? Please share your thoughts in the comments section.