The Punjab Transport Minister, Akbar Khan, announced the revamping of the provincial transport system. On Friday, August 9th, 2024, he revealed the plan to purchase 3,000 new buses, which he described as a significant improvement to Punjab’s transport system. 

Moreover, he stated at the Attock General bus stand that “the government should demonstrate its obligation and provide the public with a safe traveling facility.”

The other personalities present on the occasion included Deputy Commissioner Roa Atif, Assistant Commissioner City Shagufta Jabeen, and Additional Deputy Commissioner General Aneel Saeed.  He also examined the water coolers to ensure they provided cold drinking water, checked ticket offices and bus shelters, and inspected the washrooms for cleanliness and hygiene.

Minister Bilal Khan instructed the officials to implement the axle-load limit of vehicles. He also banned the use of LPG cylinders to minimize the risk of accidents.

 Digital Fitness System 

The Transport Minister said that vehicles should have digital fitness certificates. He stated that QR codes would be used to link vehicle number plates and fitness certificates and to determine a vehicle’s fitness. As a result, vehicles emitting smoke will not be operated on the roads to reduce environmental pollution. 

Chief Minister’s Vision 

Bilal Khan asserted that these initiatives are in line with the Chief Minister’s perspectives. The perspective of Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz is to improve the delivery of public services and enhance citizen comfort. He mentioned that the government bears the responsibility of addressing economic challenges and working to alleviate them for the public. “Additionally, she has launched road safety campaigns aimed at educating the public about safe driving,” the minister stated.

In the same way, several provinces, including Islamabad and KPK, have introduced transportation services exclusively for women. These services aim to facilitate women and students who commute from rural to urban locations for education.

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