Qualcomm has recently introduced the latest generation of its mid-range and high-end audio chipsets – the Qualcomm S3 Gen 3 and S5 Gen 3. These new models replace the Gen 2 chipsets that were initially revealed in 2022. Both offer increased processing power, including AI acceleration for the S5 chip, enhancements in audio quality, and are compatible with products within the Qualcomm Voice & Music Extension Program.
Let’s start with the Qualcomm S5 Gen 3, which now boasts a 200MHz CPU (up from 80MHz in Gen 2) and a new 350MHz DSP (previously dual 240MHz). Additionally, it has 1.5 times more memory than its predecessor.
In the past, AI computations had to be performed on the DSP. However, the Gen 3 chip includes a dedicated AI accelerator that delivers 50 times more compute power. This enables features like AI-powered Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) and voice processing. Moreover, there are specialized hardware components for tasks such as hearing loss compensation, transparency mode, and noise management.
For the “ultra-premium” market, Qualcomm offers the S7 and S7 Pro chips, which feature even more AI acceleration (approximately twice as fast as the S5 Gen 3). They also come with faster CPUs and DSPs, but target a higher price segment.
On the more affordable end, the Qualcomm S3 Gen 3 has received performance enhancements as well, although they are more moderate. It retains a dual-core 80MHz CPU but now includes a dual 240MHz DSP (up from single 240MHz). While it supports the Qualcomm AI engine, it lacks the robust accelerator. Despite being a mid-tier chip, it still supports features like Google Fast Pair, Qualcomm TrueWireless Mirroring, Auracast, and more.
Both the S3 and S5 chips are highly power-efficient, consuming just 4mA while streaming music using A2DP. They also support Snapdragon Sound for 24-bit 48kHz lossless music streaming.
The Qualcomm Voice & Music Extension Program enables headset manufacturers to integrate Qualcomm’s technology into their products. This includes features like spatial audio, echo cancellation, and even health tracking capabilities (such as heart rate monitoring in some earbuds).
vivo is preparing to launch the first device powered by the Qualcomm S3 Gen 3. Youfei Wang, General Manager of the Intelligent terminal development department at vivo, stated, “By utilizing this powerful platform, we are bringing audiophile quality music listening to our customers, so they can hear their music exactly as the artist intended. Stay tuned for the launch.” Companies are also working on products featuring the S5 Gen 3.