Recently, Qualcomm unveiled its latest top-of-the-line ARM chip designed for Windows PCs, the X Elite. However, the company is currently in the process of testing a lower tier chip, likely to be named the Snapdragon X Plus.

Referred to as the X1P, the SoC being tested is speculated to be the Snapdragon X Plus since the X Elite is the X1E.

Qualcomm has been conducting tests on the X1P44100 and X1P46100 chips since at least February. These chips come with the Snapdragon X65 5G modem integrated, but details about their architecture remain unknown.

Qualcomm is testing a second ARM SoC for Windows - the Snapdragon X Plus

While it is speculated that the cores of the X Elite could serve as the foundation for the X Plus but at lower clock speeds, this is merely conjecture. A report by Winfuture suggests the possibility of a 10-core Snapdragon X Plus to complement the 12-core X Elite.

Qualcomm’s custom ARM cores are anticipated to introduce significant competition to Apple’s ARM chips in the market.
