Last month, Realme introduced the 12 Pro in India with 8 GB RAM and two storage options – 128 GB or 256 GB. The phone is now available for pre-order in China in a third variant with 12 GB RAM and 512 GB storage, known as the “Supreme Edition,” which will be released next month.

Realme introduces 12 Pro with 12 GB RAM and 512 GB storage

The Realme 12 Pro in China is similar to the international version, with minor adjustments in the UI to cater to the absence of Google services. It features a 6.7” OLED display, a Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 chipset, and a 50 MP main camera.

The collaboration with luxury watch designer Ollivier Saveo continues, offering the device in Gold and Blue color options.

Realme launches 12 Pro with 12 GB RAM and 512 GB storage

With no micro SD slot, the Supreme Edition of the Realme 12 Pro presents an attractive option. Priced at CNY2,199 ($305/€280), it is actually cheaper than the international 8/256 GB version which was available for INR26,999 ($325/€300).

Interested customers can pre-order the device on the Realme China website and make the purchase after March 11.

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