Xiaomi’s Redmi president, Thomas Wang, recently announced the launch of a new series called Turbo. Positioned between the K and Note series, the Turbo lineup will focus on delivering impressive performance. The initial offering will be the Redmi Turbo 3, which may possibly be a rebranding of the Redmi Note 13 Turbo.
During a detailed post and subsequent Q&A session on social media, Wang elaborated on the Turbo concept, highlighting its goal to revolutionize the midrange market.
While the Redmi K series will continue to cater to flagship-tier users, the Redmi Turbo devices are set to challenge flagship devices, with the Redmi Note range retaining its position as popular midrange offerings to showcase Xiaomi’s smartphone expertise.
The naming of Turbo 3 signifies its third place in the Redmi lineup, prioritizing raw performance at a more affordable price point compared to flagship models. This iteration follows the Redmi Note 11T Pro and the Redmi Note 12 Turbo. The absence of a Redmi Note 13 Turbo suggests a potential launch under the Poco F6 moniker, considering Wang’s focus on the Chinese market where the Poco lineup is not present.
This latest addition to the Redmi lineup will further blur the distinctions between flagship, premium, and midrange smartphones, offering consumers a more diverse range of options. Despite this, the introduction of a new Redmi Note model is not expected, following the extensive variants of the 11 series and the relatively fewer variations in the 12 series.