Xiaomi unveiled the Watch S3 to a global audience during its MWC keynote in Barcelona. We now have the wearable in silver for review, along with two additional bezels (yellow and green) and matching straps for customization.
The Xiaomi S3 comes with a unique charger featuring two pogo pins, instead of a wireless charger. Unlike its predecessors in the Watch 2 series, this wearable does not run WearOS but HyperOS, limiting the availability of additional apps for download, at least for now.
The device boasts a 1.43″ OLED screen that is highly responsive to swipes and touches. Despite being housed in a 47mm body, the watch feels lightweight and comfortable on the wrist.
On the right side of the watch, there are two buttons – the top one for navigation to the home screen or previous page, and the bottom one can be customized to various functions, with the default setting being the workout mode. The bezel is non-rotating and serves primarily as a fashion statement.
Navigation seems straightforward – swiping down reveals notifications, swiping up brings up the control panel, and side swiping accesses various cards.
The watch features a 12-channel heart rate monitor on the back and supports all-day heart rate, stress, and oxygen saturation monitoring. It also offers breathing exercises and predictions related to women’s health.
We plan to thoroughly test the wearable to evaluate its performance in daily use and determine if the €150 price tag is warranted. Stay tuned for our verdict!