There is speculation that Apple will alter the design of its base iPhone 16, with the back cameras going from a diagonal configuration to a vertical one, as last seen on the iPhone 12 in 2020. A new series of renders and design schematics have emerged online, depicting a pill-shaped camera island containing two sensors on the back with the LED flash on the side. Renders from @MajinBuOfficial x @upintheozone showcases the iPhone 16 in blue.

iPhone 16 design schematic and render (@MajinBuOfficial x @upintheozone )
iPhone 16 design schematic and render (@MajinBuOfficial x @upintheozone )

iPhone 16 design schematic and render (@MajinBuOfficial x @upintheozone )

Another render from Apple Hub provides a look at several more color options and compares the iPhone 16 Pro, which is expected to have the same basic design as the iPhone 15 Pro. Based on rumors, the redesigned camera location on the iPhone 16 is supposedly to enable the device to record spatial video for playback on Apple Vision Pro.

iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro renders (Apple Hub)
iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro renders (Apple Hub)

iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro renders (Apple Hub)

Based on the leaks so far, the iPhone 16 and 16 Plus are expected to retain the same 60Hz refresh rate. The iPhone 16 and 16 Plus are also rumored to receive the Action Button and an Apple А18 chipset as well as 8GB RAM and Wi-Fi 6E connectivity.

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