More than three years have passed since the last Galaxy Fit smart band was introduced by Samsung. Now, the line is being revived with the launch of the Galaxy Fit3. There has been extensive leakage about the device recently, and a photo of the retail box for the band has been captured, along with a glimpse at the price.
The boxes were seen in a store in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and featured both the black and silver color options. Based on previous leaks, it is expected that there will also be a pink gold variant.
Samsung Galaxy Fit3 retail package
Reportedly, the price of the Samsung Galaxy Fit3 is TZS 250,000, which is equivalent to $100/€90/£80/₹8,000 or thereabouts (excluding taxes and other costs). For comparison, the Fit2 was $60/₹4,000 at launch.
Samsung is also working on another health tracking device, the Galaxy Ring. However, it may not be released until later this year or even early next year. So, if you are in need of a heart rate tracker and step counter without the full Galaxy Watch package, the Fit3 could be a suitable alternative.
There is still no official release date for the Galaxy Fit3, but with units already being shipped to stores, the launch can’t be far off.