Following its extensive Unpacked event just a few hours ago, Samsung has given a sneak peek of its upcoming product, the Galaxy Ring. Yes, it’s a smart ring, and its appearance in the teaser makes that quite evident. Take a look for yourself:

The Galaxy Ring will introduce Samsung’s pioneering health technology in a whole new form. It promises to be a “powerful and accessible health and wellness device, here to change the shape of future health like only Samsung can”. This was the statement made at the unveiling, so interpret it as you will.

The ring is round and black, at least based on the version presented in the teaser. Speaking of teasers, did you notice the discreetly hidden hint for the Galaxy Ring in Samsung’s official promotional video for Samsung Health? We mentioned this in a previous post about all of the official videos, but it’s worth noting again – pay attention at the 2:10 mark.

What could that be? What does that shape signify? It’s quite obvious, isn’t it? Speculation about the Galaxy Ring has been circulating in the rumor mill for some time now, and at one point it was rumored to be the highlight of today’s event. That didn’t happen, and now it’s anticipated to be revealed at some point later this year – possibly alongside the next generation of foldable devices in July. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Naturally, as a smart wearable device, it’s expected to, at the very least, monitor various health metrics and provide vibration notifications. Without a screen, its battery life should outperform that of a smartwatch.