The Galaxy S24 series from Samsung has been noted to have a display color inconsistency that the company has already acknowledged. The Vivid color profile on the S24 phones is not as vivid as on its previous models, and Samsung Spain has stated that the change is not a product defect but an intentional adjustment for a more natural viewing experience.

Samsung Spain denies a change to Galaxy S24 vivid mode is coming

According to an official statement from Samsung Spain, the colors and brightness of the S24 series have been adjusted to provide a more accurate and comfortable viewing experience. Users may notice differences in color depth compared to older devices, but this display behavior is intentional and not a product defect.

To provide our customers with the best experience, we value your feedback and continuously improve our software as the market and consumer interests evolve. – Samsung Spain statement

After comparing the color reproduction on our own Galaxy S24 review unit with last year’s model, we noted that the colors on the newer device in Vivid mode were less saturated than on the previous model. It seems that there won’t be any fixes for this issue, at least for now.

Source (in Spanish)