The Galaxy S24 by Samsung was recently made available for open sale, but some customers have already raised concerns. Several reports online state that the Vivid color profile on the new flagship is not as vibrant as previous Galaxy S models, leading some users to consider returning their devices.

Samsung acknowledges Galaxy S24 display color issues, fix incoming soon

A representative from the company has acknowledged the problem and has assured that the development team is actively working on a solution. They have committed to fixing the issue “as soon as possible” through a software update.

Users have reported that the Vivid mode on the Dynamic 2X AMOLED screen is not as vibrant as expected and is more similar to the Natural color profile.

Image courtesy of user
Image courtesy of u/Doo-StealYour-HoChoi

Our own testing confirms that the Galaxy S24 does not have the same level of color saturation as the Galaxy S23. While Samsung’s chat support has assured us that a fix is in the works, they did not provide a specific timeframe. We will continue to monitor the situation and update you as more information becomes available.
