According to Counterpoint Research, Samsung secured the top spot for smartphone shipments in India during the calendar year 2023. This marks a return for the Korean company after six years of dominance by Xiaomi, although Xiaomi’s independent Redmi and Poco brands maintained the lead in the Q4 period with an 18.3% market share.

Overall, total smartphone shipments remained steady in 2023, reaching about 152 million units. The first half of the year presented challenges for the industry, but the market saw a recovery in the second half, driven by 5G upgrades and strong festive sales. Additionally, Apple’s shipments in India surpassed 10 million for the first time.

CR: Samsung is the best-selling smartphone company in India for 2023

Research Analyst Shubham Singh noted that Samsung’s success was attributed to aggressive offline marketing and the strong performance of its A series. Vivo claimed the second spot, leveraging its CMF (color, material, finish) design approach with the vivo V29 series and performing well in the offline segment with the T series.

In the last quarter of 2023, Xiaomi maintained its lead by launching affordable 5G phones and streamlining its product portfolio to avoid confusion among consumers.

CR: Samsung is the best-selling smartphone company in India for 2023

The premium smartphone market in India experienced a 64% year-over-year growth, driven by financing options that made higher-priced smartphones more accessible. Apple’s increase in this segment was supported by its physical stores and retailers offering attractive deals and promotions.

Looking ahead to 2024, the market expects a demand for devices with Dolby Atmos and Dolby Vision support, as well as phones with Generative AI. Additionally, foldable smartphones are predicted to exceed 1 million shipments in the coming year.
